CPCx0 Developer Center

Build, Scale, Innovate with CPCx0 Chain

CPCx0 Roadmap

Since its creation, the CPCx0 Chain has been a 100% value-driven project, focusing on solving real use cases for communities. With this in mind, the CPCx0 team is already focusing on onboarding and launching large scale community-backed value-driven innovative projects.

Start your journey with CPCx0 Chain Today!

CP Developer Portal

White label token creation & digital assets

Q1 2023

CPCx0 Chain App

Wallet App with all the functions of a SmartWallet

Q2 2023

CP Answer (TBD)

A Q&A platform for the community

Q2 2023

CPCx0 Chain Advanced Services




Q2 2023

CPCx0 Chain Advanced Services (Continued)




Q3 2023

CP Pay

The crypto payment gateway for all crypto communities (based on integration)

Q3 2023

CPCx0 Chain App Update

All-in-one application for the CPCx0 Chain user. A combination of SmartWallet, Developer Portal and Notification System

Q4 2023

CP Smart Contract

The fundamental building blocks of CPCx0 applications

Q4 2023

CPC Staking Program

Chain based staking program for CPC Users (solo staking & staking as a service)

Q1 2024

CP Cloud

Store all your data securely on the CPCx0 Chain

Q2 2024

CP Mail Manager

Private and public email management system

Public email earn strategy: store to earn & share to learn

Q2 2024

NFT Marketplace

Digital marketplace for crypto collectibles and non-fungible tokens. Buy, sell, and discover exclusive digital items.

Q2 2024

CP Secure Password

Password storage solution

Q3 2024

CP Secure Contact

Contact management system for iOS and Android users, directly integrated with the CPCx0 Chain App

Q4 2024

Cross-chain connections (ETH compatible)

Enables fast and easy token swaps in the SmartWallet and CPCx0 Chain App

Q2 2025

CP Pay

Native solutions for crypto payments Crypto & Fiat payments

Q4 2025

CPCx0 Chain Update

New consensus mechanism with the combination between POS and POW

Q2 2026